In daily dressings I prefer wearing Jubah Dress even just go to my boutique or any supermarket. It feels more comfortable and more importantly look elegant and polite. I prefer wearing A princess cut type of long dress and Lycra material which is 100 % very comfortable. Recently I bought Delsira Lycra at Yumna Online Wholesale via Facebook . Buy 5 pieces and you can get wholesale price, nice right? I bought 5pcs at one time (different colors but same design)..hahaha .. ! It sounds funny.. but yeah I'm happy, probably because I'm already mesmerized by the beauty of their colors.
You can contact Yumna Borong Online thru their whatsApp number as written above. more beautiful dresses on their collections .
All colors, never been use either any of them..hehe
Lately I prefer shopping online including items for Ziqry. Its very easy and convenient. Like for example for the Jubah dress just follow the size measurement provided by the seller , then if you think its fit you then the just place order. Various design available. And for me Lycra Delsira Jubah Dress is the best, high quality lycra material that will not stick to the body. I really love the design also.
Allah Berfirman ;
Maksudnya: “{Wahai Nabi, katakanlah kepada isteri-isteri dan anak-anak perempuan kamu serta kepada para isteri orang mukmin sekalian, hendaklah menghulurkan JILBAB mereka ke seluruh tubuh badan mereka kerana dengan itu mereka akan mudah dikenali (sebagai wanita mukminah) dan mereka selamat daripada gangguan. Dan sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang}.” [Al-Ahzab: 59].
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